Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wisconsintites are so helpful.

First a little bit of background. For those that don't live in our area we got hit with 12-18 inches of snow on Wednesday. Schools, businesses, churches and even government offices were closed. There were people getting stuck in ditches and on the side of the road all over the area.

Now fast forward to Thursday evening. We had a set up to do. Sheri went on this one in our car. She made sure to take a shovel in case she needed to dig out an area for the message board. She gets to the house and parks as close to the side of the road as possible. To get the sign out of the car she needed to remove the shovel so she props it up against the car.

As she was setting everything up, a few cars drove past really slowly. Then as she was getting some more critters out of the trunk a car pulls up and the driver rolls his window down. He then asks her if she needs any help. Obviously he thought she was stuck and not out there putting up a birthday display.

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