Monday, February 18, 2008

Calendar? Who needs a calendar?

Sheri went to go do a set up tonight at a business in the next town over. While she was on her way there she looked at the paperwork for the set up and noticed that it said "Tuesday Feb 20". She had written down what she heard the customer say. But today is Monday February 18th so she either had the day or the date wrong. Time to call the customer to verify which it was. It turns it they were both right. The customer wanted it for Wednesday the 20th but had told her it would be Ok to do the set up on Tuesday night. LOL.

To top it off, she was pulled over by a policeman. No she didn't get a ticket. The police in that town will pull you over for anything just to check you out. I used to work in that town and my employer had to file a complaint with the police department for harassment of the employees. Someone from my office was being pulled over every single week but no tickets were ever issued. Really strange. Anyway back to Sheri and her run in with the law. The officer wrote her a warning because the front license plate was fell off when I tried to fit into a parking space that had a ton of snow where my bumper needed to be. The plate is in the trunk.......guess I need to reattach that now. ;)

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