Monday, April 7, 2008

Firefighting Flamingo

Actually the flamingo is the mascot for Engine 10 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The firefighters still do the firefighting. This is a picture of the decal that used to be on their equipment. I found this interesting article about it. Apparently they used to have a bunch of pink flamingos on the front yard of the station as well but a Captain (the person in charge of a single firehouse) decided he did not want them displayed anymore.

According to the article the station recently got a new Captain and he is considering letting the flamingos return. I have been around firefighting and fire trucks for almost 30 years and this is the first time I ever seen a flamingo as a station mascot.

I would love to see a picture of the flamingos in front of this station too. If anyone out there has a picture of it please email it to me and I will post it for all to see.

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